I was going through some images for our new "Pet Special" at the studio and came across a new image of The Worm. The Worm is by far the coolest dog in the world but a close runner up to our new boy on the block Howard the dog.Tomorrow I will post a photo of Howard. We are going to run another contest. How about some icecream from "Cold Stone"
I have a $25 gift card that will buy a bunch of "Cake Batter mixed with Cookie Dough"
( My favorite).Here is the plan.
Send us a candid snapshot of your pet whatever it may be and our judges will award you the gift card. Send your images to bill@billgoode.com. Mark the subject box Pets.
We will draw the winner next Monday. Get your pet snapshots ready to send and eat a ton of icecream. We will send you the gift card so you don't have to live in Tarboro to win.
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