This is the real deal. The story about this Santa plays out like a real TV Christmas story of my own. Every year we display our Santa portrait with pride and all the children know how important we really are because we are the official "Santa Portrait Studio". We are connected to the real Santa. So we say.
When I first came to North Carolina in 1976 I started working for WEED radio selling advertising and doing some DJ air time. I wasn't very good. It was hard to blend a Jersey tone in NC and sound like you lived here. Not that exciting. Most of my so-called account lists were made up of closed businesses. The people I worked with at the station were imported right from the sitcom WKRP (remember that one).A fun group of people to work with.
I did have one account owned by this very interesting fellow that sold singer sawing machines across from that famous hotdog place called Boonies. He never did purchased a radio ad from me but every week I would stop by because he was a great person to talk to. I knew I could always get a good feeling by just stopping by. A kind of person that would light up a room and made you feel good after a visit. About six months later he closed his business and I lost tract of him.
Well about six years ago we had a session planed In October for a 7 year old boy. They had been very good customers and been to us a number of times in the past and mom said she was bringing a friend that would dress up as Santa for her Christmas Cards. Would it be ok? When they arrived this small gentleman with the real beard and hair said hello and looked right at me and said " you don't know me do you'. I looked at the guy and I said "yeah your Santa". Well it was the same fellow I had spent time with back in early days in Rocky Mount selling radio advertising that I lost tract of. It was a great session doing the Santa Portrait and we had a wonderful time going back thought the past and connecting again.
I did not know it at the time but Santa was sick and would not be with us very long. I think it was about six or eight months after that meeting that I found out he had past away. After hearing the news on that day I headed over to Rocky Mount to give a copy of the Portrait I had at the studio and they used it during his service.
It is a strange story for me and I don’t know why I spent time putting it in print. Our Santa portrait holds some special memories and I know I am blessed to be the person to capture this very special moment of such a caring person during this time of his life. Its times like these I can see how important our job really is. Capturing a single moment in time so we can share, enjoy and cherish for a lifetime. It’s a small world.
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