7:am on the second day we arrive at the Uhaul dealer in Nashville TN as the doors were being opened. The guy behind the counter was very helpful but had to go through the right channels and red tape to help us out. We could not just change trucks unless the first one had a “ real problem”
At this point we were not leaving unless we had new wheels and they had the trucks available on the lot. He said another person that would make the call on our problem and would be there in about 30 minutes. So we went to IHOPE for a quick meal. As we returned the counter guys said we were clear and directed us to our new 26 ft ride. She was a big one.
Now the fun part begins. It was 8:45 am and we were looking at taking a days worth of packing from one truck to another. I think it was the pancakes that gave us the drive. Ian stated the time like it was a race and we opened the doors to begin.
I set up the video camera up on the other side of the parking lot so we could see both tail ends of the truck as we loaded one to another. It was funny to watch in fast motion.
As we unloaded the truck it was apparent that the first one was way overloaded. It took us just two hours to finish. With the new 26 ft truck now packed you would never guess all that was in a smaller size uhaul. As we acted for the camera at the end of our performance we noticed we had used a piece of furniture to hold the video camera. We had to make a space for that last table.
As Ian got the paper work in order I backed our new ride up to the car trailer and hooked everything in place. After a quick change of clothes we were back on the road by 11:45.
The new truck was perfect. We cold not even feel that we were pulling a car behind us and it drove like a van. We now had some time to make up. Doing the marathon truck pack took a lot out of us so we were only able to make it 563 mile on the second day to Sallisaw Arkansas right at the Oklahoma state line by 9:30 that evening. Our plan was to get up at 4:am the next day and hit the road running with a full day. By the way I think Arkansas has the worst road system. An evening storm was heading our way so we made the call to stop for the night. I know if Amy were with us she would have never let us stay at this motel. I think the people in the next room were living there. We were not staying long. To say the least they did not have wireless.
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