Looking for the light
During a location portrait session I am always looking for just the right light to us use during a portrait session. This afternoon I think I have found the perfect light ever but the bad thing is will be very hard to come by again.
We started the Ft Macon beach session early because of the upcoming storms in the area.I was pushing some but can see by the sky everything was looking great. The light was soft through long thin clouds and looking like I made the right call. All of a sudden the clouds started getting darker and much darker over the Ft Macon inlet area. It wasn't looking good as we were almost near the edge of the water to finish the session. Just then the temperature must have dropped 10 degrees as a cool wind started to blow. The light was just beautiful with half of the sky in almost complete darkness and the other half in soft light. It looked light a huge soft light was set up on the beach. It doesn't get any better but it also doesn't last long either. As I finished a handful of images not wanting to stop we had to go fast. You can see the sheets of rain across the inlet " time to go". We just made it back to the car before the rain came.
I didn't want to leave! You just don't get that kind of light control when children on the beach are doing well. It was the perfect storm for true portrait lighting. This is getting deep.